Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Sister and the Cousin

So my friend's cousin is here visiting for a bit, she just turned 21 and you can tell by her body language that she doesn't go out much. A lot of what we do seems to surprise her, but she doesn't object to anything and enjoys it. Still kind of a culture shock to her.

Now his sister is straight up gaming me, but I'm too drunk to remember exactly what went down. But she said "holy shit no one's ever turned me down before" and she did _the backturn_! And I looked at the cousin, because I for some reason when drunk like to explain social dynamics to her, and she's new to this whole going out thing, and I said there it is!! look! it's the backturn!! oooh! Which causes sister to lose it. Lots of kino and disgusting amounts of porno dancing ensue. But you know the deal with the social circle, I leave it at that :) Good night.

However, I understand a little more about my inner game issues with spending so much $. It also has to do with tipping, which is fine- but as the night goes on I seem to tip more just because I don't want to carry the fucking quarters around, or I forget the girls are being nice for the sole purpose of getting tips. Even though we do have some level of beginning comfort because they see me at least once a week, and ask questions about me (name, etc).

My favorite bartender, turns out she's going for her masters. I tell her how it's not very often that you see a beautiful woman who is so intelligent and smart. I've known her for a little while, so we definitely moved into more of a comfort frame last night, talking about her personal life. And at which point she bought us some drinks. I loved her before, but now she is even more kickass... masters, hell yes!

This is definitely a one of a kind summer, and I'm totally loving it, and of course never want it to end- but it will. The people that I see, namely the foreign exchange students, and there are many, they will all be gone after this summer and I will never see them again. I'm going to miss the girls, most of them are very very beautiful, and their smiles always steal my heart. They've helped me be able to talk with beautiful women, just to talk to them, no resume bullshit, just good conversation.

I posted at the beginning of this year (elsewhere) that this was going to be a great year, and it has far exceeded my expectations and dreams so far.

That's all for now,

Monday, July 23, 2007

Inner Game: Why I Drink So Much

I've recently spent a lot of time telling myself to stop drinking so much when I go out. It's fucking expensive for one thing, and it's fun. But perhaps I need to find a new way to have fun when I'm out right? So instead of telling myself to stop drinking, let's first examine why I do drink.

1. I don't know lyrics to the songs, and I like screaming along. When I'm drunk, I don't mind so much that I'm rambling incoherent shit very loudly. All of the venues I go to are way too loud to do anything else by default. Don't be too concerned however, isolation is easy later on. So dude, print out some lyrics and learn some of the songs you KNOW you hear a lot and enjoy listening to the most, then build from there.

2. Some of these drinks are damn yummy :):) And when you spend 5+ hours somewhere, just one will never do! But damn... maybe time to switch up to coke for real. Clinking a coke with your drunken neighbor is not nearly as much fun though. From budget perspective, 1.75$ bud selects are cheap. Stick with those when you can!

3. I notice I am not as free and fluid in my version of "dancing" without drinking. However now that I notice what I do when I am drunk, I can slowly teach myself to do that less drunk/sober and push my comfort level there. Perhaps some dancing lessons will help, but nothing too formal. Just like.. Club Dancing 101!

I think that covers it. Also, painfully so, don't go OUT so much? I spent all of $20 last week, normally it's $100 a night.. and I can't afford that any longer.

Reframe: You could have any girl here!

"You are that any-girl!"

Yes, it was a good reply when I said it. It was perfect, she loves me more than ever and we've been apart physically for 3 weeks now.

Listening to the pickup podcast and just finished the interview just before the one with Savoy, where they discuss that you need to have a clear goal in mind about what you want in a woman. Be very selective, not needy, etc.

This inspired me to reframe this thought, it just popped up in my head and I think it's absolutely perfect.

"Yes, I can have any girl. But you are the one I have been looking for!"


Friday, July 20, 2007

Pickuppodcast / Retrospect

So I've decided to actively listen to the guys at pickuppodcast.com. The other night I downloaded all 27 or so episodes and have been listening to them, pretty much when I feel like it. I still need hardcore music time, but given the fact I am driving a minimum of 160 miles every day, I'm not really hurting my chances to get through these. I really like these guys because they are not part of any commercial entity, and are aligned with what they call natural game- which is what I've been trying to develop on my own even with trying to totally immerse myself in The Mystery Method now Venusian Arts, Style's Annihilation Method, etc.

What really got me going was DeAngelo's On Being A Man DVD set that my friend loaned to me. Apparently that's something you do when you get sick of someone being a whiney bitch from a divorce. It seems to me that most of the guys in the community are all here because some long term relationship (8 years in my case, at least 5 in many others) soured and the guy was so pussy whipped from losing attraction and just being a supplicating little fucker. I know that's what happened to a few of us.

I would love to give this DVD set to anyone who I see not handling a breakup very well, and just sort of let them go from there. It has enough information related to the community hidden in there to get anyone who is motivated to change their life, really, to let the flood gates open. I hate to see guys suffer, but I'm keeping the community to myself over here, and just sharing bits of hard fact info.

One of the items mentioned on pickup podcast, people asked if they remember their first cold approach. I remember my first few, a cute blond in seaford who worked the bar at skipjacks. A few girls at the greene turtle in salisbury. Thinking back, I can recall shit body language and everything. I was the dog with his tail between his legs, trying to find a woman to live with me and take the place of my ex. Running them through the interview process, when all they wanted to do was fucking have fun. All I wanted was some girl to think I was leet and cling to me. That wasn't doing it.

Now tonight, I'm going to watch movies with one of my girlfriends and have a good time. We partied so hard last night it was ridiculous, I absolutely love the time we spend together. I only have two girls I feel that way about, the rest are all on the verge of being cut off :) Life is good, and I feel like, not a new man, but finally a man. Midlife crisis averted before age 30, score!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Prepubescent Part of Puadom

The awkward moments, when you're finally starting to get features that say you are in fact a living breathing pua adult, yet are still retaining something that isn't quite right. I am still successfully closing, but am having a hard time getting certain information out of my girls about why they perceived me to be gay- which is not helping me eliminate it.

The only thing I can think of is that it's related to what I'm wearing. I've always had clothes that never fit right up until recently, and I think *maybe* I went too small on the shirts. But that's all I can think of, or maybe the fact that I am not pasty white anymore. As for the hair, it's always been short for the military so I'm sure that's not it.

Unfortunately I don't have the loot for CJ's eCoaching program or I'd bite, because I'm going to pick up one of my LTRs for the weekend and that's more important to me- why I fucking don't know- something with integrity and I've already told her I'm coming, and the friends I have who live up that way are expecting me. What this means is I have to find a way to make up $300 some other way this week to do it, because I WILL DO IT. GRR.

Anyways, so what do I do that makes me gay. One of my closes said "my friend just asked if you were gay", and I told her to let her friend know just how gay I really am. Good on my part, but WHAT GIVES.

Once this part is eliminated, I think I'll be in good shape.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I suck at freeze outs

Ok so she IM'd me this morning and I ignored it for awhile, which isn't too hard when you're working. But I eventually caved and asked her how her night was and how I felt that she seemed stressed. She apologized for being a bitch, and I told her that I understand women are incredibly emotional beings and that I love the roller coaster ride, which is partially true.
I remembered DeAngelo in On Being A Man drawing the straight arrow, which is man, and the woman all over the place up and down, and it was our job to be unmoved by her actions. She wants a strong man, not some noodle fuck that can't keep focus on his goals. Thanks D!

I realized it greatly with the last girl I was in love with, and now it's great to taste bittersweetness. So I pat myself on the back for succeeding at not being a whiney bitch myself and rising above the situation to where it fits my frame instead of the other way around. Score!

That being said, The Summer of Love challenge is almost upon us!!! Get ready for an awesome time with very absolutely awesome people! It begins the 15th of July so there's still time to sign up!


Freeze Out

HB Myspace has turned tonight, trying to push my limits, or at least trying to see if she's broken me into being her bitch. Unfortunately, I exist to master the game and ultimately to help other people succeed in social dynamics and being a real person. So if this is the part where I learn to lose "the perfect girl" then so be it. While I was in this for myself in the beginning, I feel part of something greater, and will sacrifice the one for the good of the many this time.

She's being short, it seems, because I won't drop everything on a dime to come get her. I told her it'd be at least a few weeks and all I got was "yeah, ok." I told myself earlier I was going to do a wonderful fidelio freezeout, yet when I did, she started to warm up again before I txt her back- at which point she got cold.

So, at this point I am daring myself to not txt her until tomorrow evening. Perhaps that is too long? I don't know, but now is the time to learn- and if something like this can tear her love from me away, then it was never really there, and it's a good thing that I stopped this before I took myself through another journey in life involving another person's soul. So, until I get off work tomorrow, I am cut off from her, that's all there is to that. She did say she was quitting her job tomorrow, but that I do not understand because I am not coming to get her tomorrow, and she does need money. *shrug*

I want to txt her lines from some music I know we're both into, but that's totally gay ass AFC and I'm glad I recognized it before it was too late. I have to grab my new balls here and be a man.

The only downside I forsee, is that she has me on AIM and will probably msg me. I can probably ignore it, or downplay it.

Anyhow, tonight was good. Went to karaoke and had a good time for a few minutes with T, some crazy ass duets going on with Unchain My Heart. Definitely beer required ;)

I'm out for tonight, big day of ... umm ... something, tomorrow.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

HB Myspace and General Update

Last week's gaming has turned into moving her down here to be with me forever, however long that is. She is going to be my best friend, and LTR, and hopefully mltr but we shall see.

One thing I've started doing is actually consciously paying attention to people's communication systems. I don't catch it all the time, but I am definitely noticing it now. I've been reading Persuasion Engineering, which has been a big help, and definitely a good book to read along side of Monsters and Magical Sticks: Why hypnosis does not exist (loose representation of the title, not looking it up:)) I think it is helping people open up to me. In my online talks with people, I often find myself realizing half-way through my reply that I'm not using their system, and I go back and correct for this. It is my job as a professional communicator to do so. For those of you who need a quick rundown, the systems are audio, visual, and kinesthetic. I hear what you're saying, do you see what I mean? Doesn't that feel better to you now?

My focus is still the same, but comes secondary to total involvement with The Warrior King Society. Had I not been aware of CJ before this site, I would probably not have signed up just because it looks like some sort of scheme. I will be posting the results I have gotten from being a member here from time to time. As of now, I am still collecting things to make my diet better, and am taking better care of myself. I also don't spend as much time at the gym any longer because he has introduced us to superslow training, which I will be following. I don't care who at the gym thinks I'm not spending any time there at all. They'll see...

I did drink 2 sodas today, of which I am ashamed. I really wish we'd get a water company here at work, the city stuff reaks of chlorine. I'll probably start bringing cases of Spring or Deer Park. As for food, I still need to go grocery shopping and put stuff in the fridge here . I'll post what I've come up with as soon as I start. Sadly, waiting on payday to go to the store and go nuts.

I'm also redoing my budget, but ended up spending all day playing some game on the internet that is so addicting I refuse to post it here.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Friday Night

Last night was Friday, and at least 20 people I knew where there. The energy was super high, successfully opened HB10 on the dance floor by just asking her name, and then introducing her to everyone. I don't think I drank too many shots, but I did mess up and have a beer at the end, and I think that threw me over the edge. I let myself out and fell asleep outside for awhile, then had one of those epiphanies that said "go over there out of sight behind the bushes real quick, i have something to show you." yeah, ew. i still say it was a really good night. For some reason, I let friend's birthdays be my excuse to drink too much, even though I'm trying to slow way down (stopping would be good) for my diet reasons.

Now I have to try and get a ride to my car lol.

Sadness, she went back home today.

A day early too! If I didn't spend the night trying to watch after her sister with her brother after the club, I wouldn't have called out of work today. Because I did, I was able to spend the entire night/day with her and it was very, very good. She left at 4pm, which is about the time I would have left work, and I would have missed her. Soulmate or not, we're very close- freaky close, and I'm glad the day worked in our favor.

This has been the most beautiful week ever. There are very personal connections that have happened with this woman, and our new relationship is nothing short of magnificent. She went back home yesterday, but we're talking about her moving down here to start her life over (that's what her mom suggested to her). Right now, I want nothing more than for her to be here with me. But until then, I'll keep working on the skillset.

For as much conversation as you can really do texting- this girl and I really had a good qualification time (i still suck at following the framework exactly ;))

But we've completed the 9 levels, and life is awesome!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

LR: opened on myspace

okay okay, no lr tonight :) i think i have some fucked up game though, because i got an i love you tonight. i absolutely love i love yous, because holy shit man- from a woman that's one hell of a connection. we only spent maybe, MAYBE, 20 minutes doing actual by the book comfort, but apparently that + spending the night together did it. that and her friend had a shit night, and i got her in w/o cover + through a door she wasn't supposed to come in while a bunch of staff was right in front of us (perks to being an uber-regular i suppose, even though i dont expect to get shit for favors). and thank you babe for buying drinks tonight, that was sweet*100!

but maybe that's all im after, a genuine i love you. because to me, S3 seems a bit much, not that i hate sex or anything, i just feel cheap if i fuck a girl and that's the end of it. i'd rather be stuck in comfort with many of the girls and call it a day. i dunno, maybe it's a weak point of mine?

anyhow, 2 hours before i have to wake up. kinda glad i spent most of the 4th sleeping, i knew this part was coming. tomorrow, we're suppose to play some golf/shuffle board.

im so so SO SO SO glad i moved to a tourist town again. not honolulu, but it will suffice.....for now.



ps. immortalizing this quote for the night, because this isnt the first time i've heard it- but the first time i am internalizing it as part of who i am

her: "you could have any girl"
me: "and you, are that any-girl"

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

opened on myspace, day2

ended up doing some phone/text game at the club. i caught the eye of one brilliantly beautiful girl as i was doing my thing, turns out it was myspace girl's sister. she immediately became my target, and i spent most of the beginning of the evening with myspace girl and her bro winning them over (you know the deal).

...couple hours pass...

oh yeah edit here, i had to protect her from some creepy guy, well her and her sister. that's one thing i can say about the dance club. it's super loud as shit, but you can actually demonstrate protecting women by helping with the creepy guys- and being a leader of men if you have a lot of friends that come up to you and high five or whatever, bonus points for hot girls from the social circle that do that also. this is not the first time i've done this now :)

k close: turned her around and backed her up against the wall in a more not-in-public-view place. done deal. plus the tension was built really high while dancing.

followed by # close, which went like this:
me: if i text her, you'll get the message right?
her: wouldnt it be better if i just gave you my number?
me: yeah you're right, what is it?
her: xxx-xxx-xxxx :)

i dont count much of this time towards the 7 hours in TMM, because i now believe that time is required by me talking and dhv, etc, not just spending time together. i think maybe i've cleared 2 hours, tops. i intend to clear the rest tomorrow. can DEFINITELY time constraint the day2 with her

brother became the amog, not mad. but i did make the situation awkward, won't handle it the same way again ;) but it's all good.

happy 4th everyone. tomorrow, there shall be fireworks!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

opened on myspace

a couple weeks ago, i was opened by a woman on myspace who is travelling to my city for vacation. she wanted to know about the highlights, things she might want to do with her friends while they are here. i replied with a list for every night of the week, and i didn't intend it to be a very long reply, but when i was done- man it was huge!

she responded back basically omfg that's awesome, thanks! we had a couple other things and i let it die. the day before she left, she sent me an email with her phone number in it saying "hey text me when you're out, maybe we can meet up". 2 days later i sent her a txt saying who i was and that if she didnt catch me, i hope she has an awesome week here. that way she has my number and knows who i am the next time i text.

a couple more days pass.

last night i'm out with my friends watching one of THE most kickass bands ever and i sent her a text to come out (I know it's her 2nd night out), and she's like "who is this?" i replied with my name again from myspace. for the next 2 hours we text back and forth (not like every 2 seconds, but every like 20 minutes or so), and basically we're meeting up tonight after dinner.

i read something great today on one of the pua's blogs about time constrainting the day2, and that's basically what i've done by limiting this to seeing her at the club tonight, which is going to be busy as shit and i'll easily dismiss her for meeting up with my friends. after all, that's the reason i'm there anyway is to be with them and have a good time.. and this girl is totally in my world now.

let me tell you, i love women that are around 5" tall and appears to be bulimic/anorexic ;) im not sold on blond vs. brunette yet, but she has a rockin tight body and at least C which might be too big for me (wtf? i know..) and a nice backside. i'm still deciding who my perfect woman is- and this will allow me to be less stressed around HB10s that dont fit the bill. my god last night i talked to the most ditzy hot bartender girl ever, but that's another story- and nobody ever fills my shot glass that high ;) she rocks!!!! one day i'll get her name.

anyhow, so tonight is a time constrainted day2 with very very very easy possibility of time bridging for tomorrow since i have off and she's on vacation. again, god bless the holidays. (time constraint day 2 post by captain jack)

this is one of those periods of time where i feel a leap in game, as described on another journal (my memory is shit right now). life is good- thank you community!

Monday, July 2, 2007

thank you badboy

the video you posted the other day was very insightful to me.

your demo shows meeting a new woman on the street, starting from the initial approach. however what i took from the video was the way you two interacted at your coffee break. this past weekend i was out with one of my girls that i already met and have had several "dates" with, but her and i moved- from my perspective- really slowly. i still have approach anxiety, but slowly i am realizing that i am able to come up with good openers in all settings, and am starting to build confidence there. i believe this relationship has developed slowly because normally she is with her best friend and i have no wing, so they talk to each other super hyper all the time, and i just dont have enough material stacked to be able to keep them going for very long. so i just enjoy their banter, and it's absolutely amazing.

back to this weekend.

we sat down to watch the sunset together and were sitting close to each other and cuddly/cute, and afterwards we kept talking. using what i observed in the video, i moved over to lean against a tree (away from) while sitting on the bar stool and she did keep leaning in to talk. and i made sure to use my hands more than i normally do, and i had a great time. the best part is SP was being developed for myself with the other regulars, who already see me there with women all the time.

this community, no matter which flavor, absolutely rocks- thank you for your mentorship!

Edit: here is a link to the youtube video
and the url which i found at the attraction chronicles.