Monday, October 29, 2007

Student RBF

Well unfortunately it's worse than I thought. I knew he texted this girl he liked a few too many times in a row (okay, 5 is a lot with no response). I tried to explain to him that she's busy, has a day job where she isn't chained to her phone, and that when she gets a chance she will return his text.

So I assumed I was in some sort of damage control already. Well I was right, but I definitely underestimated it all :) I'm still trying to convey generally accepted community concepts to this guy, and he loves everything. But I know his chances with this girl are pretty much totally yeah absolutely totally annihilated. Especially when I took her out later in the week and she was telling me all about creepy guy. Sorry dude!

He's already LJBF after only meeting her one day and getting the number. We'll see what I can do, I had such high initial hopes for him too.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida

Just finished reading this book. The one thing I regret is not reading with my notepad close by, to write down everything that I want to remember, everything that I am aligned with, everything that brought forth enlightenment and realization.

Some brief points that I want to remind myself about here, from the table of contents:
Stop hoping for a completion of anything in life.
Never change your mind just to please a woman.
Enjoy your friends' criticism
Be willing to change everything in your life
Stop hoping for your woman to get easier

Praise her
Tolerating her leads to resenting her
Dont analyze your woman
Stay with her intensity- to a point
Don't force the feminine to make decisions

Choose a woman who chooses you
What she wants is not what she says (p108- highly recommended first read)
She doesnt really want to be number one
Your excellent track record is meaningless to her (this is excellent for day to day life / business as well)

You are always searching for freedom
She wants the "killer" in you

I'm going to skim through this book again right after hitting post, just a quick glance through every page, before moving on to our next book.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Men find women and declare themselves "out of the game." I've read about it on the forums, but have never witnessed it first hand.

The girl I am with now, absolutely perfect, and I see myself being totally committed to her- purely us, absolutely beautiful. Am I worried about losing myself? About losing the massive social circles I have developed? Not exactly. Her and I go out all the time together, and what I used to do as part of being me, you know- a community guy, I do with her every time we're out. We are one person now, and it is absolutely beautiful and amazing.

Thus, making it official, that I am going to be training others now. Not in the full community style, but in my own way. I am meeting with one of my friends tonight to see what I am working with, what his goals in life are, what he is most afraid of, etc. He's not very bad really, because we met out in one of the largest nite clubs around here and I've seen him with a few ladies that he really likes. But I want to help him kill the boy, become a warrior king, and take life by the reigns and really move forward. Plus the way he keeps talking about this one girl in particular, I feel a real need to give him some of what I've learned from the community.

So this blog will most likely turn into a trial by fire review of me working with others. Anyone who has taught anything knows that students are the best teachers, and you learn SO MUCH MORE. All of there questions are directed to YOU, and YOU must know the answer. The first time I experienced this, my master turned to me to train the children's Tae Kwon Do classes. Those kids taught me so much, and helped me really learn the technique, it's really an awesome experience.

And so I now move forward, to attain mPUA status by my own definition.

Also working with another friend of mine who is deep in the community. But that will help me as well.

This was a great year for self exploration, growing, and learning. Next year will that, and so much more- helping others.

Signing off for now,

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Milestone / Update

A few weeks ago, much like many other aspiring master pickup artists, I reached another milestone- without any rhyme or reason other than mommy was right- practice does make perfect. There was the preparty with the college girls, but something even more amazing happened at the club I'm always at.

Leader of men? Guys were buying me drinks, hell one guy paid my entire tab for the night. And it was SO ON with every single lady there. In fact, it got a little out of hand (hey I'm still new to this) and even though I qualify for non-jealous women, I almost lost my absolute most favorite girl due to jealousy.

Can I explain it? No.

Finally started watching the rest of the VH1 show and it sort of opens my eyes to things I've been doing, like peacocking. I never considered it wearing the clothes that everyone else isnt really wearing. For example, I have these really bitchin pants I got at Express that work really well with the blacklight setup at this place. They are very very very noticable with the pattern, even though they are mostly black. But that, plus the shiny necklaces and the ring here and there. So I guess I have been peacocking, the right way, not wearing all this psycho stuff. Some people just don't get Mystery or take things too literal *shrug*

The seduction chronicles post from the other day was pretty good as well. It makes me classify myself as a free-flowing pickup artist. However contrary to what they say, I still find myself totally addicted and appreciative of The Mystery Method in all of it's rigidity. And I take that rigidity and place it as a container around what I develop. I do enjoy using tried and true "routines", but I have so many that I can just come up with now, that I rarely do get to use one again unless my head screams at me that it is the perfect opportunity to use it.

And back to my girl, it's pretty much just her and me now. And we're about to go public with it. Am I sad? Not really. This gives me the opportunity to go back and re-read everything I have read so far and post my views on it here. It also gives me time to get through some books that I've still been meaning to read, and really focus on my business and The Warrior King Society. I've pretty much given that thing a back seat lately due to life restructuring. I'm hoping to be able to transform some of the AFCs around here that want help. I think I can do a lot for them, even though I haven't been officially trained by the masters and powers that be.

I'm still looking to replace my day job, but at the same time I'm redoing things to where if I have to, I can get by with my side business and then grow it beyond my wildest dreams to the point where I'm kicking myself hard for not doing it sooner.

That's all for now, take care guys and have a great week!