Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thought for the day

"If women didn't want to be played, they wouldn't be so predictable."

along the lines of,
"If we weren't supposed to eat animals, they wouldn't be made of meat."

Monday, March 24, 2008

Comedy Is Not My Thing

There is a lot to be learned from it, and appreciated, but it's not for me. I know this because I haven't given it any real serious thought. I've learned some things from Seinfeld (see Comedian) and from reading Mamet, etc, but I don't have the drive to really do it. And my particular answer has been staring me squarely in the face for well over 10 years now, because it's something that I love doing, it's who I am, and I still get to interface with thousands of people and "game" them.

It's allowed me to meet people like Wes Craven, enjoy spending time with folks gathered all around the world to Ivy League schools, and other things that I suppose "sound really neat." When I get my ducks back in a row, I have the potential to write off so much money just by travelling it's sick, and I need to focus on that.

I need to stop pretending I like to fuck with cars, because yes I can do it, yes it's fun tuning them, but I really don't want to spend the time doing it. Yes I can turbo your mom's geo metro with a full standalone, but no I really dont feel like it. And the perks here? I plan on moving to Cali soon, meaning C.A.R.B. requirements and DONT TOUCH IT laws. I might as well sell off all the junk I have, and get something nice that has at least a couple hundred ponies under the hood.

I still have my hotties (fat $$$ clients) and my ugly girls that I have to befriend, but still not do business with. I don't have to piss my now monogomous girlfriend off anymore either because I'm still doing sex-game with every other girl I meet.

So what I can do is at least explain here what I'm doing now and what helped me back in the day. Little cute cosmetic tips, all of the other stuff I focused so hard on, and man- you all KNOW how PickUp101 talks about the debriefing. It is so damn important because it's funny how nothing you focus on, is what seems to really get the girl.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Replacing The Game

Why is it so hard for me to replace the game, as it was taught to me? Because it's the only thing this ex-introvert has that gave him tons of social proof, the very first social high, absolute crack, pure addictive crack, on an emotional and physical level. Social acceptance is a grand thing.

It's no secret that a lot of the game is compared to stand up comedians, especially along the lines of the mystery method with canned routines. I've wanted to dabble with stand up for awhile now. Yet Ive only gone as far to be a part of local comedy nights, even judging, but never letting the balls out of the pants and getting my ass up there.

So I'll review my active year in the game, since I've already spent more than enough time just watching comedy central (since 1998), enjoying a good laugh, and reading up on some of the nitty gritty. Now it's time to take some canned jokes and try them out on a stand up night, and prepare a routine, and a set. And then venture on to my own material. When something sucks, alter it, and when something's good, maybe tweak it or leave it be, time and audiences will tell.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Are you a seminar junkie?

In the tens of thousands of thoughts that cross my mind throughout the morning, today I was on the verge of calling myself a seminar junkie. I love watching the material that's out there for us, in this community. And I've felt a decline in "who I am" as a result of not paying attention to what's been happening lately. But to answer the question, no I am not a seminar junkie and here's why!

I believe the term is used for people who never venture to the application phase, or beyond. I most definitely surpassed that point this year, but I'm still new to everything, and the higher lessons taught by our mentors have not fully bloomed inside of me. I don't think there ever is an ending point either, life is always changing, evolving, and we must always learn.

Also, when you live where I do- the material is the closest thing there is to a bonded community feeling. Watching GOOD video material for awhile has been very helpful in getting my state where it needs to be, PERIOD. And fake it til you make it has been absolutely MONUMENTAL in helping me at work as well.

I am coming back into the community to learn, to apply things outside of a sexual state. Probably makes me a huge tease to women but I don't care, I love my girl with all my heart but I feel myself ignoring women on purpose at this point, again, and that is dangerous because I am not addressing whatever problem it is I have where I can't stop at being just friends. Most importantly I'm glad to have caught this early on.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

VaDrum Fucking Rocks

Check this guy out, and all related videos. My personal idol, let alone that set he's on. Absolutely wonderful!


Friday, November 30, 2007

Another Brick In The Wall

Strong framing, thank you gentlemen of the community.

Show her love always, thank you David Deida.

Restructure thinking to place bad thoughts in the past, and bring happiness to future cognizance, thank you Bandler / NLP / Business Pursuasion.

Knowing that it's really okay to realize I have a problem with alcohol and never touch the shit again because I don't trust myself with it any longer, thank you BestFriend's Dad.

I'm still keeping my books for my future son to read, but I think I'm on my exit from the active community at this point. God bless you all.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Student RBF Revisited

I've already learned to screen people I choose to mentor, in a way that is close to screening the girls I want to "go after." I didn't screen this guy at all, and I'll still be his friend but I'm not helping him anymore, not the way I intended to. Sorry bro!

Just wanted to update you guys in case you were interested to see what happened with this one. He ended up totally freaking the girl out by annihilating her phone with text messages before I even got to him, so we were already in damage control. And then she called me basically freaking out because he threatened her in some sort of way.

Again, alcohol is starting to be something I dislike because I'm not quite sure many people can really handle it the right way. Like, I can physically feel it going down differently when I'm at my limit. And when I pass that limit and tell myself to shut up, problems arise (blacking out, fights, arguments), and keep in mind I'm scrawny so I'm really trying to kill myself being this way up against some large folks. *shudder*

The Wall

I've come up on a serious inner game issue. I hadnt noticed this as "sticking point" in my relationships until yesterday. I have anger issues. I don't know how to deal with them.

I've ruined probably the best relationship I've ever had because of too much drinking and anger, and yes words are the absolute most painful weapons ever, I promise you. I would never lay my hands on a woman in a threatening manner, or as to even hint at cause harm- however that may actually hurt less than some of the things I've said recently. And it has caused a huge tremendous rift in my utopia.

As a result I've also immediately decided to not drink, ever again. I tried to slow it down, cut it back, but I went right back at it worse than before. And now I am stating here and now that I have a problem drinking responsibly, and I have problems with anger, and it needs to end NOW before something worse happens. I wish I realized this with one of the other previous girls, but the fact is this is (was? :( ) only my second serious serious relationship.

And I'm at the point now where I'm looking for someplace new to live, even considering switching up cities, each choice bringing with it some undeniable pain that I will have to face.

And I am up against the wall. I still haven't processed my divorce and it's starting to become a festering wound in my life that needs to go. I've got to focus on me again. At least my going out budget has taken a serious plummet, so I won't be wasting money on that stuff ever again.

And to my friends who brew their own beer and really want me to try some, I'm sorry. But you might as well think I've lost my mind and joined a cult or a church or something. But this is me, as a man, as a controller of my own destiny realizing now that I allow alcohol to ruin my relationships, my life, and the lives of others, and I'm done with it. It is internalized, no offense, and if you truly are my friends you will support me and let it at that (and I know you will).

I will know what is to come of my life very shortly. I will either disappear from the scene entirely, and enjoy my monogamous relationship forever, or come back with must better inner game, and a much better game plan. The little guy downstairs is already restless.

For now,