Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Are you a seminar junkie?

In the tens of thousands of thoughts that cross my mind throughout the morning, today I was on the verge of calling myself a seminar junkie. I love watching the material that's out there for us, in this community. And I've felt a decline in "who I am" as a result of not paying attention to what's been happening lately. But to answer the question, no I am not a seminar junkie and here's why!

I believe the term is used for people who never venture to the application phase, or beyond. I most definitely surpassed that point this year, but I'm still new to everything, and the higher lessons taught by our mentors have not fully bloomed inside of me. I don't think there ever is an ending point either, life is always changing, evolving, and we must always learn.

Also, when you live where I do- the material is the closest thing there is to a bonded community feeling. Watching GOOD video material for awhile has been very helpful in getting my state where it needs to be, PERIOD. And fake it til you make it has been absolutely MONUMENTAL in helping me at work as well.

I am coming back into the community to learn, to apply things outside of a sexual state. Probably makes me a huge tease to women but I don't care, I love my girl with all my heart but I feel myself ignoring women on purpose at this point, again, and that is dangerous because I am not addressing whatever problem it is I have where I can't stop at being just friends. Most importantly I'm glad to have caught this early on.

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